Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summertime is Here!

The Soroptimists International of Chico has "gone dark" for the summer, but the busy bees are furiously working behind the scenes to bring you a new look to the SI of Chico blog and eBlasts. Watch for announcements coming soon in your email from the Communications Committee.

Picture is of me and Karen at Linda's Installation dinner. Watch here for more photos through out the summer.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Soroptimists Can Do It! is our incoming President's theme and sometimes I feel like I'm doing it all! As the sole owner/employee of my business, it is my responsibility to wear many hats. Therapy is my business so I'm a therapist first but there's so much to do behind the scenes: Marketing, Sales, Accounting, Outreach, Education, Advocacy. Frankly, I'm exhausted! But there's something special about being a Soropti-Sister. I am in a sisterhood of support, care, and friendship. Even when I'm having to cut back on my participation due to business and family responsibilities, my fellow Sisters never judge or criticize. They encourage me to be the best I can be and the message they send is, "You Can Do It!" Of course...I'm a Soroptimist.

PS: So who is behind the camera in my photo recording my video? Fellow Soroptimist, Jennifer O'Rourke!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Blogger

Wow I'm there. . . . not sure what to do now but I do know someone has spent a lot of time setting this up. Kudos to Jeanette!! When I have more time to explore, I will enjoy it, I'm sure.

Learning to Blog

Ok, I made it here and now I don't know what I'm doing! :) I'm ok w/technology after I learn but in the meantime, please be patient. I'm a people person not a tech person.

Monday, January 26, 2009


It's almost time for the Winter District VI meeting; it will be held on Feb. 21,2009 at Rolling Hills Casino in Corning. Our host Club is SI of Orland and the festivities will begin the night before with a dinner in Orland at "City Gates Cafe'" at 5:30pm. There is a cost of $20.00 for that if you plan to attend. But the meeting itself will begin with a breakfast at 8:00am and then our own Dina Volenski, District Director will call the meeting to order. Since February is "Heart" month, the theme of the meeting will be "How is your Heart"? A local cardiologist will be a guest speaker. Governor Sue Camp will provide updates on the Sierra Nevada Region and Federation. There will be lunch provided and many more events though out the day; and even a surprise game! The total cost for the Sat. meeting is $30.00 and it will end at approx. 2:00pm. So far we have 13 Club members signed up to attend; that's great....but we can do better! This is almost in our own backyard; lets show all the other Clubs that this "BIG" SI Chico Club has lots of spirit and support! Really try and make it if you can, you won't regret it! You can also stay over-night at the Vagabond Inn in Corning if you are doing the "whole deal"...we share rooms to cut the cost! Contact me at Club, call me or email...notice I am not posting my numbers or email; since this is an open blog. The sign up board will also be going around at Club again on Jan. 28Th.
See those pics from our District VI meeting in Weaverville last Oct.....we had soooo much fun, made new friends and LEARNED alot!
Yours in Sisterhood, Jeanette Summers Director Delegate

Sunday, January 25, 2009


OK, really this was my very first "Polar Bear" swim! This photo was taken on Jan. 2, 2009 at 11:00 am in 42 degree weather. You can see our BBQ area is all buckled down for the cold, rainy I'm not making this up! I have always wanted to DO the "Polar Bear" swim at One Mile in Bidwell Park. But over the years, something just seemed to get in the way. This year I stayed up way too late at a friend's New Year's Eve party and NO I was not drinking & hung over. I just ended up sleeping in and when I got up realized I wouldn't have time to get to the park to join the gang for the swim. I was REALLY bummed...but decided I would just have to wait one more year.
But then on the morning of the 2nd before Earl went to the gym, I suddenly thought..I CAN do this right here in my backyard! I don't need all of Chico cheering me on, just myself to prove I can do something new and thrilling just for me! So I told Earl to grab the camera; the kids would never believe I actually did it! So I dove in and did two laps, not knowing what the water temp. was; later we checked was also 42 degrees. But WOW, it really felt GREAT!!! This is something I suggest doing much more often to really get the blood pumping!
So alright....I know I look like a wet DOG! LOL....Anyway, I am looking for anyone who wants to join me for a weekly swim or so in the Park or my pool??? Just call me crazy.......Jeanette Summers
OK Rene'...I posted it :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So who are these adorable 4 year olds and how did they meet? On the left is Carsen Quintero and on the right is Kylie Furgeson. They met because two of your Soroptimist Sisters have become really "good" friends after meeting at Club and having a mutual friend; Florance Soares-Dabalos who is also a Club member! So who is Grama Jay and Nana? See below...
"Nana" is also none as Jennifer O'Rourke and "Grama Jay" is Jeanette Summers. We could hardly wait for these precious grand-daughters of ours to meet. We had each been telling them about the other for months and each had a photo of the other! Carsen was so cute; when I 1st told her about Kylie she asked me if she was already her friend, and I said of course; because you are my friend and I have been telling Kylie all about you and how wonderful you are! Mean while Kylie would ask me about Carsen and how far she lived from her house; I told her it was really close to my house, but she had no clue what that meant! Kylie lives in Orange Co and doesn't yet grasp the concept of how far Chico is; she didn't understand on my visits down there why she couldn't she Carsen!. The day after Thanksgiving the girls finally got to meet and true to Soroptimist style "hit it right off"! We headed over to Emma Wilson School for a few hours of play time. Don't know if we grandma's or the girls had more fun?
Carsen and Kylie look like they will make excellent Soroptimists one day! They have already learned one of the most valuable things in life; no matter who you are, where you come from, what your belief's are can get together can have fun and unite for the betterment of all women and children in the World. I am so proud of these sweet young ladies! And NO, we didn't coach them to hold hands and walk together...they did it all on their own! FRIENDS FOREVER :) Submitted by Jeanette Summers

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Review: Love's Journey by James W. Rozendaal

Reviewed by Marcia Zimmerman

Love’s Journey is a tender recalling of what it was like to grow up and fall in love in the 1950’s. The author vividly recalls common frustrations for young lovers, such as having phone calls interrupted by a telephone operator warning that three minutes have passed and time is up. It was a simpler time and the lead characters, Allison and Tommy, are larger than life – heroes even.

This model couple struggle to maintain their relationship as their lives are upended by the Korean War. All young men of that era were required to register for the draft and were likely to wind up serving overseas if classified as 1A, which most were. Some never returned. Allison and Tommy’s marriage plans were put on hold when he was drafted and shipped to Korea. Life after Tommy returned home was uncertain, due to his war-sustained injuries that prevented him from pursuing a professional athletic career.

The story embraces a Romeo and Juliet intrigue as these offspring of Dutch (Tommy) and Swedish (Allison) families are expected to marry within their respective churches in the small Iowa town where they grew up. Thus the couple must face off with their stubborn fathers in order to marry.

The rich description of the characters’ thoughts and dialogue keeps readers intrigued. It is easy to imagine being there and enduring all the joys, triumphs and sorrows in the lives of the characters. Love’s Journey is easy to read and uncomplicated – providing an excellent opportunity for younger readers to experience what it was like to grow up in their grandparents’ era. The story provides excellent fodder for a movie script.

Marcia Zimmerman is the best selling author of seven books on health and nutrition.

Retreat 2008

If anyone is interested in doing a little write-up about the Retreat, please send it to Karen Huff via email. (She's in the directory.)

Here are a couple of photos from Bev Rozendaal took at Retreat a couple of weekends ago.

First picture: Kit Tzikas and Dina Volenski (below):

Below is a photo of Michelle Rasmussen, Linda Lotspeich, Linda Kerch and Roseann Bradley:

Looks like a good time was had by all!

WTC Turkey Dinner -- Volunteer Opportunity!

Work Training Center's 54th Annual Turkey Dinner & Raffle is coming!
A fundraiser benefitting the Work Training Center of Chico, an organization that assists and supports people with developmental disabilities to achieve increased independence in work and leisure, and enhances the quality of their lives.
Volunteer Servers Needed! Sign ups Wednesday at Club
54th Annual Turkey Dinner
Thursday, November 13, 2008
4:00 p.m.- 6 p.m. -- or -- 6 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Manzanita Place (Elks Lodge)
Group Leaders:
Sarah Fry • 898-4547 •
Lorrie West • 345-9378 •

Wear your Soroptimist Apron or other Soroptimist Identifying Item
Volunteers receive a free meal. Otherwise, Seniors: $10, Adults: $12, Children (12 and under) $7
Early shift eats after shift and second shift eats before shift so arrive before 6 p.m. if you plan to eat.